When you buy a shelf on Ikea, you receive a box with instructions. This is the same for your browser when you visit a website. He received code (instructions) and try to do his best.
Imagine if Ikea, instead of sending you the box, they send you the already built shelf. This is what SSR is about.
We will use nextjs The github is here
We are working in a company that trade coffee Everydays different teams need to monitore what's happening in our stocks
we need our api to give us this informations
cd ssr-coffee\go-backend
go run .
( actually, the data are harcoded in the front, we will just check the calls of the api)
start the nextjs
cd ssr-coffee\nextjs-ssr-coffee
npm run dev
visit the website and you should see the monitoring interfaces
if you check your golang app you can see the endpoint /report was called
[GIN] 2022/04/23 - 17:37:24 | 202 | 5.9176ms | | GET "/report"
Nextjs load Index.tsx at the end of the page we have a function getServerSideProps
export async function getServerSideProps() {
const res = await fetch(`http:`)
const data = await res.json()
return {
props: {
We fetch the data on localhost:3002/report, and insert the data in the props
The problem is everytime someone in our companie visit the page, the api is called ...
[GIN] 2022/04/23 - 17:37:24 | 202 | 5.9176ms | | GET "/report"
[GIN] 2022/04/23 - 17:37:25 | 202 | 5.9176ms | | GET "/report"
[GIN] 2022/04/23 - 17:37:26 | 202 | 5.9176ms | | GET "/report"
Let's use getStaticProps
change the function from getServerSideProps to getStaticProps
export async function getStaticProps() {
restart the nextjs but not with npm run dev it won't work
we need to build the website first
npm run build
npm run start
you will see during the build your backend is called
[GIN] 2022/04/23 - 18:37:24 | 202 | 5.9176ms | | GET "/report"
now everytime you visit localhost:3000 the api won't be called ! Nextjs will delevery the website already build with the data fetched during the build
they are stored in the folder
This is really cool if your data nearly never change
Let's use revalidate param
set it to 3 seconds (or 86,400 for courageous people)
export async function getStaticProps() {
return {[...]},
revalidate :5
don't forget to rebuild your nextjs
npm run build
npm run start
and this time if you spam refresh you will see your api is fetched only when the validation time is expired !
[GIN] 2022/04/23 - 18:52:00 | 202 | 5.9176ms | | GET "/report"
[GIN] 2022/04/23 - 18:52:05 | 202 | 5.9176ms | | GET "/report"
[GIN] 2022/04/23 - 18:52:10 | 202 | 5.9176ms | | GET "/report"
Now, every morning when someone will check were the precious coffee is, he will trigger the revalidation and the website will deliver the already built webpage !